

V World Tamburica fest was hold on from June 15th to June 17th on Petrovaradin fortress. Tamburitza orchestra from region, USA, Russia, Italy, Greece and Austria were having performance’s and guests were Estrada stars Zeljko Joksimovic, Jelena Rozga, Zvonko Bogdan and Apsolutno romanticno. Tamburitza orchestra “Hrvatski dom Wels” Austria, “Batini becari” Romania, “Tasluda” Montenegro, “Iz Cirkulan” Slovenia win avowals for contribution to festival program. Media jury award wined “Banjalucki tamburasi” BiH, public award wined “Lola” Belgrade, special award for tamburitza tradition tending wined “Tamburasi” Begec, special award for artistic expression wined “Savski valovi” Croatia, award for the best vocal soloist wined Trajko Jordanovski from Macedonia, award for the best beges player wined Igor Cosic,  tamburitza orchestra “Veseli tamburasi” Novi Sad, the best bas-prim player was Branko Kutuzov tamburitza orchestra “Hajo”Subotica, the best prim player was Franjo Jusbasic tamburitza orchestra “Kristali” Croatia and the best orchestra was  “Hajo”Subotica.