First Prize for the composition – Jovan Adamov „Da su dani samo naši“

Second Prize for the composition – Danilo Ninković „Moj Sremac i ja“, performed by Maja Varenika

Third Prize for the composition – Aleksandar Vlahović „Dunave“, performed by Žarko Pribaković

Special Prize for the composition and Prize for the best lyrics – Goran Tairović „Daljine“, performed by Cecilija Rudić

Second Prize for interpretation – Bane Nedović „Volim je majko“, Montenegro

Third Prize for interpretation – Maja Varenika „Moj Sremac i ja“, Serbia

Journalist Prize for the interpretation – Renato Henc, „Greh mladosti“, Serbia

Audience Prize for the interpretation – Žarko Pribaković „Dunave“, Serbia

Prize for the best female vocalist – Juliana Olm „Vida“, Brazil

Prize for the best male vocalist – Hame Nalić, BiH

The best Tamburitza Orchestra – TS „Dobreč“, Slovenia

Best vocalist – Jasmina Fenjec, TO “Zlatna Suza”, Romania

The best prim (tamburitza) player – Marko Martinović, TO“Primus“, Croatia

The best bas-prim (tamburitza) player – Stevan Vladislav, Orkestar Stevana Vladislava, Serbia

The best begeš (contrabass) player – Nenad Nikolić, Orkestar Stevana Vladislava, Serbia

The best orchestral performance – Chamber Ensemble of the City Tamburitza Orchestra of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska

World Tamburitza Association awarded Branko Uvodić with the Special recognition for the lifetime achievement in the field of exceptional contribution to the preservation and affirmation of the Tamburitza tradition

World Tamburitza Association awarded Professor Zoran Mulić with the Special recognition for the lifetime achievement in the field of nurturing, promoting and promoting Tamburitza art creation.