

First Prize for interpretation – Slavko Banjac – “Čardak”

Second Prize for interpretation – Dušan Svilar – “Svu noć pod čergom”

Third Prize for interpretation – Renato Henc – “Žalim dušo”

First Prize for Composition – Ana Veselinović – “Čardak” performed by Slavko Banjac

Third Prize for Composition – Đorđe Čavić – “Ruža panonska”

Best Lyrics Prize – Petar Medved – “Vreme je za nas” performed by Milica Dosković.

The best Tamburitza Orchestra – Ansambl “Opus” Novi Sad, Srbija

Best vocalist – Robert Hip, ansambl “Opus” Novi Sad, Srbija

The best prim (tamburitza) player – Gergelj Požgaj, tamburaški orkestar “Femata”, Mađarska

The best bas-prim (tamburitza) player
– Antonije Okreš, tamburaški sastav “Alegro”, Hrvatska

The best begeš (contrabass) player – Darko Jovanović, tamburaški orkestar “Grbini marijači”, Srbija

1st Award – Subotički tamburaški orkestar, Serbia

2nd Award – Orkestar Muzičke škole “Albert Štriga”, Croatia

3rd Award – RKUD “Pelagić”, orkestar “Marko Popović”, RS, BiH

Special award for cherishing the tamburitza tradition – Tamburitza Orchestra KUD Majšperk, Slovenia

The Jury of Experts Prize for the Prime Conductor – Maestro Igor Kudeljnjak – Tamburitza Orchestra of the Music School Alberta Štrige, Croatia

Plaque for 60 years of Creation in Art and exceptional contribution to the improvement of Tamburitza music – Miro Marinković, Republic of Srpska