

The best tamburitza orchestra of the ninth international tamburitza festival “Tamburitza Fest 2016″, which hosted 10 orchestras from seven countries in its competition part from 21 to 25 June, is the Novi Sad-based ensemble “Zorule”. This is the decision of the professional jury of this year’s festival composed of professor Franjo Batorek (Croatia), Spomenko Guzijan (Serbian Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Danilo Ninković (Serbia). The main festival prize was given to Zoran Bugarski, the leader of the ensemble “Zorule”, who is voted the best prim (tamburitza) player as well. The prize was presented by Jovan Pejčić PhD, the Festival Director. Jozef Kovac from Hungary, the member of “Mohács” ensamble, is the best bas-prim (tamburitza) player while Mario Sesvečan of Croatian orchestra “Uspomena” is the best begeš (contrabass) player. The best new song “Lud za tobom” was performed by the Serbian orchestra “Tajna” and the best vocalist is Stjepan Fortuna from the Austrian band “Gradištanci”. Awards for artistic expression and keeping tradition were given to “Zlatna suza” (Romania) and “Banjalučki merak” (Serbian Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina), while the audience award went to the orchestra “Garavi” (Croatia). The orchestra “Sremska banda” (Serbia) was awarded by journalists.