

More than 90000 guests for 3 days and 3 nights enjoyed in tamburitza music in Deronje as never before. Tamburitya players played, sometimes just for somebody ear, sometimes on a table, but always in a good mood.

President of  international jury was one of the best proficient of the ethno music, Predrag Cune Gojkovic and  members were Viara Grancarova, ethno music professor on Sofia music academy; Mihael Feric from Croatia, author of many course books; professor and composer Mico Miranovic, Tamburica festival Bijelo Polje director and Budimir Stojanovic, music professor and bandmaster from Pancevo.

The best tamburitza orchestra was “Diako” Croatia, the best author song “O tamburo sviraj sviraj” played by orchestra “Javor” Ruma and the best instrumental player was Edin Nalovic, prim musician of the tamburitza orchestra “Tuzlanski tamburasi”.

Also, as a special guest of the „Tamburica fest 2009“ group Legende, Ana Bekuta and Zvonko Bogdan  performed a concerts.